Plan a (Video Call) PArty!
Week 6, Day 4
We may not be able to meet physically as a whole family during this period, but we can still spend time celebrating our families!
Now that you know what your grandparents need, your mission for the rest of this week is to plan a surprise video call party for your grandparents.
Get your whole family involved and make it a day to appreciate your grandparents and remember as a family!
Need some ideas of where to start? Here are some steps to help you get on track:
1. Get your whole family involved!
Invite your extended family to get involved in the planning process with you!
Treat it like an in person party and prepare food, decorations and games or activities for everyone to enjoy!
If your grandparent lives with an uncle or auntie, get them involved to make it a surprise party!
2. Create an invitation card for your grandparent!
Make a homemade/online invitation to invite your grandparent to your video call party.
Here are some examples!

3. Turn your party into a family 'vacation'!
Throw a themed party!
Decide on a dream holiday destination as a family.
Dress up and prepare props to fit the theme and destination.
Put up a video call background of the country you’re visiting.
Order food from the country to everyone’s house.
4. Make your grandparent the guest of honour!
Everyone is here to support and celebrate your grandparent!
Invite everyone to prepare a little statement about your grandparent’s important place in their life - it can be short and sweet.
BONUS: Use your discoveries from your interview with your grandparent and create a powerpoint with photos and videos of their best memories.
Thank you for your submission!