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Video Call Hangout ACTIVITIES
Week 7, Day 5
Continue reaching out and creating a community of friends!
Send your new mutual friend an invitation or encouragement card too!
Here are some more ideas for activities that can be done over video call:
Put on a show!
Put on a show!
Pick your favourite story and turn it into a TV style play/skit for your friend and their family.
Make props and create a set in your background, wear costumes and set up your video camera for the best angle!
Have a meal together!
Have a meal together!
Get your whole family involved, order a surprise meal for your friend's family using a food delivery app, and have a meal together over video call!
If you enjoy cooking, make your own meal.
Prop up your phone/computer in the kitchen, make the same recipe together with your friend and continue your conversation over a home-cooked meal!
Tell a story!
Tell a story!
Pick your favourite fairytale or a funny, interesting memory that happened to you!
Decide how to tell your story, draw picture illustrations and take turns on video call to do show and tell with your friends!
Find ways to do activities you enjoy together over video call and share your own ideas with us at #braveheartsg!
Thank you for your submission!
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